test blog nouveau 45452

Publié le 03-04-2022 16:54:25 | Par: Jules Okombo
test blog nouveau 45452

La situation au baleng





1:1 Happy is the man who does not go in the company of sinners, or take his place in the way of evil-doers, or in the seat of those who do not give honour to the Lord. 1:2 But whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and whose mind is on his law day and night. 1:3 He will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, which gives its fruit at the right time, whose leaves will ever be green; and he will do well in all his undertakings. 1:4 The evil-doers are not so; but are like the dust from the grain, which the wind takes away. 1:5 For this cause there will be no mercy for sinners when they are judged, and the evil-doers will have no place among the upright, 1:6 Because the Lord sees the way of the upright, but the end of the sinner is destruction.

Par: Jules Okombo
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L'évenement phare
ABB[Association Baleng Du Benelux]

L'A.B.B. est une association sans but lucratif qui est née des pionniers Baleng en Belgique et donc le siège est Bruxelles capitale de l'Europe. Elle compte à nos jours plus d'une centaine de membres ; et est l'une des plus grandes associations camerounaises de la Diaspora . Son souci majeur est non seulement l'intégration des Baleng qui arrivent dans le Benelux mais surtout de développer le village Baleng en infrastructures scolaires et médicales.

Avenue Clémanceau 50, 1070 Anderlecht Bruxelles +32466207565 +32466207565 Email: contact@balengbenelux.org , balengbenelux@gmail.com Contactez-nous par formulaire
Droits d'auteur © 2021 - 2025 A.B.B -Association Baleng du Benelux Asbl